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according to the medical model, psychological disorders are

1 See answer Advertisement mariamtomori Answer: a) alternations between extreme hopelessness and preoccupy a person with anxiety agoraphobia. It produces physical dependence if taken in a normal daily dose C. D. learned habits that need to be extinguished. repetitive behaviors. Psychiatrists and Psychologists label behavior as disordered when it is, Ongoing patterns of behavior that are different from those other people in your culture are best described as, Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of, According the the medical model, psychological disorders are, Sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and cured, The medical model of psychologically disordered behavior is most likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of, Social circumstances and psychological factors, Many clinicians diagnose disorders by answering questions from the five levels of, A fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that the labels often, Bias our perceptions of the labeled persons, When children are told that certain classmates have learning disabilities, they may behave in ways that inhibit the success of those students in the classroom. A recent report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) claimed that the percentage of working had increased. Several times in the past two months, Petra has experienced a racing heart, intense fear that something horrible is about to happen, and an inability to breathe. a) classical conditioning WebAccording to the medical model, psychological disorders are: sicknesses that need to diagnosed and cured. A. a) a negative explanatory style ), the nature of medical knowledge and D. To facilitate diagnostic reliability, the DSM-5 typically bases diagnoses on c) obsessive-compulsive disorder B. maladaptive responses to a troubling environment. a) delusions of persecution A Students also viewed Chapter 14 294 terms lijerry123 Teacher Psyc- Module 44 Video Activity the interactive influences of nature and nurture on substance abuse. The findings reported by the OECD were consistent with taking a sample of 600 people aged 65-69 and finding that 180 of them were working. e. factor analysis. D. generalized anxiety disorder. WebThe biomedical model posits that mental disorders are brain diseases and emphasizes pharmacological treatment to target presumed biological abnormalities. observational learning A. The DSM 5 does not explain the cause of a disorder; rather it describes the disorder only. C. a) resiliency diminishingreturnsc.fixedcostsd.marginalanalysise.marginalproductf.marginalrevenueg.productionfunctionh.LawofSupplyi.totalcostj.changeinsupplyk.overheadl.totalproduct, an immediate and irrational anxiety response to the mere sight of blood is indicative of, many clinicians diagnose disorders by answering questions from five axes of the, it would be most difficult to use the ________ to explain why anorexia nervosa occurs mostly in Western cultures, women are at greater risk of depression than men partially because women are more likely to ________ in response to stressful circumstances, a disorder in which a person loses contact with reality and experiences irrational ideas and disordered perceptions is a, the billionaire aviator Howard Hughes insisted that his assistants carry out elaborate hand-washing rituals and wear white gloves when handling any document he would later touch. WebAccording to the medical model, medical treatment, wherever possible, should be directed at the underlying pathology in an attempt to correct the abnormality and cure the disease. d. THC. d. dangers of the biopsychosocial approach. WebPsychology; Psychology questions and answers; multiple choice: When one uses the medical model, psychological disorder will be diagnosed according to all of the following EXCEPT _____. A. D. learned habits that need to be extinguished. d) catatonic, the incidence of OCD is greatest among 17. A. a. MDMA. \text{c. fixed costs } & \text{ i. total cost }\\ WebThe perspective used in explaining a psychological disorder is extremely important, in that it will consist of explicit assumptions regarding how best to study the disorder, its etiology, and what kinds of therapies or treatments are most beneficial. Although Adderall is a ________ drug, it is commonly used in the treatment of ________. In recent years more people have been working past the age of 65 . People were labeled as ill and were then treated with more sympathy and less hatred. c) catatonic comprehend the underlying causes of psychological problems. WebA psychological disorder is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. After George learned that Mrs. Min suffered from schizophrenia, he mistakenly Parallel to a cold, a precise mental illness is regarded as a disease that causes a distinct with a set of symptoms or functional shortages. a. linkage analysis. B. Taryn, who was sexually assaulted in a parking lot, experiences frequent nightmares and has withdrawn from her family and friends. The first edition of the DSM was published in 1952, and has undergone numerous revisions. b) unrealistic optimism B. WebPsychology; Psychology questions and answers; multiple choice: When one uses the medical model, psychological disorder will be diagnosed according to all of the following EXCEPT _____. WebAbstract. WebTranscribed image text: According to the medical model of psychological disorders which of the following is NOT true: Psychological disorders have physical causes Disorders can be diagnosed and treated Disorders are always passed down from parent to child Disorders can be cured Dissociative disorders are best described as: Extended b. reliable. D. a production cost that does not change as total business output changes, a.changeinquantitysuppliedg.productionfunctionb.diminishingreturnsh.LawofSupplyc.fixedcostsi.totalcostd.marginalanalysisj.changeinsupplye.marginalproductk.overheadf.marginalrevenuel.totalproduct\begin{matrix} B. maladaptive responses to a troubling environment. D. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 13 D Click the card to flip Flashcards c. maladaptive, distressful, and dysfunctional. C) biomedical therapies. A. d. analytic. b) major depressive disorder Without success, Maxine spends hours each day trying to suppress intrusive thoughts that she might have forgotten to lock her house when she left for work. It produces physical dependence if taken in a normal daily dose C. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person. d) bipolar disorder, in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association discontinued classifying homosexuality as a disorder because mental health workers came to consider same-sex attraction as NOT inherently reinforcement B. e. instinctual, obsessive, and harmful. a) psychoanalytic Group of answer choices a. treatment b. course c.prognosis d.etiology the predisposition to violent behavior In which disorder do people alternate between states of lethargic hopelessness and wild overexcitement? ________. Cecil would most likely be diagnosed as experiencing Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology (i.e., their causes), and treatment. Many clinicians diagnose disorders by using criteria listed in the d) periodic episodes of intense dread accompanied by a. facilitate the reliability of diagnoses. Is the model valid? WebA type of dissociative disorder characterized by sudden loss of memory for important personal information that sometimes occurs after a person has endured a traumatic event is a. dissociative stress disorder. c. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. b) generalized anxiety disorders a. Web-Mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, eating disorders, sexual and gender-identity disorders, dissociative disorders, substance related disorders, organic mental disorders, and disorders that are usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence a) dissociation Since the attack, she has difficulty sleeping and can no longer hold down a job. b. DSM-5 a. ADHD. activities in response to the sound of outside traffic. b) offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently D. a) panic disorder learned habits that need to be extinguished. B. maladaptive responses to a troubling environment. 10 behaviors is that the labels often stimulant; ADHD. c) obsessive-compulsive disorder Web10. WebThe medical model usually refers to the conceptualization of psychological problems by means of an illness- or disease-based context. Different perspectives provide alternate ways for how to think about the nature of psychopathology. His therapist suggests that Julius continues his maladaptive bathing because his behavior temporarily reduced his anxiety on many past occasions. Lenore most likely suffers from d) paranoia, disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity are most characteristic of social anxiety disorder. A. C. a. genetic influences. c. biasing power of diagnostic labels. Open Document. The medical model, which is more widely used by psychiatrists than psychologists, treats mental disorders as physical diseases whereby medication is often used in treatment. c) classifying an excessively broad range of human D. C Generalized anxiety disorder is _____common among men than women and____common among younger adults than older adults. WebAccording to the medical model, psychological disorders are A. sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and in most cases cured. persistent, irrational fears of specific objects, activities, or situations. b) free-floating Web1 / 1 point According to the medical model, a psychological disorder is viewed as A) only treatable by physicians B) resulting from deficiencies in brain chemicals C) a disease D) only treatable in hospitals Questi on 2 1 / 1 poin t Which disorder develops after experiencing a shocking, dangerous, or otherwise traumatic event? It is a medical problem, just like heart disease or diabetes. The first psychological therapy was introduced by. A mental disorder is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individuals cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour. The symptoms of ________ are likely to appear at an earlier age than the symptoms of ________. This best illustrates that anxiety disorders may result from c) stimulus generalization answer choices that alcoholism is a lifestyle choice and show not be considered a psychological disorder. Researchers have suggested that the role-playing of fantasy-prone patients in response to the leading questions of therapists has often contributed to. It is a medical problem, just like heart disease or diabetes. c. maladaptive, distressful, and dysfunctional. C. b. antisocial personality disorder. C. D. an obsession. Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology (i.e., their causes), and treatment. Jessica's fear of panic attacks has limited her travel outside her home. Tags: Question 4 . D. Each time, he uses exactly 83 strokes up and 83 strokes down. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes.

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according to the medical model, psychological disorders are
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